Our WooCommerce Payments & Orders Training Course module shows you how best to process your WooCommerce customer orders and transactions efficiently.
Customer orders are of course the life blood of any e-commerce store, but it's often easy to overlook the subtleties of communicating with your customers properly, both during and after a sale is made. WooCommerce provides many functions that allow you to take full control of this process.
During this class we discuss the various ways you can mark your orders (e.g. pending, processing, on hold etc) and the subsequent email messages that are generated to your customers, and how you can customise them. We look in detail at orders, order notes and customer management, and well as examine the use of WooCommerce coupons, via which you can offer special discounts to your customers.
We also tackle the tricky but of course essential subject of payment gateways, examining and recommending the best way to take your customers payments, and how an awareness of the PCI-DSS process can influence the methods by which you process your customer transactions.